domingo, 8 de setembro de 2013

Running Contacts

Okay, so here it is, my latest training! unfortunately I just remembered to film it on High's last run, but he did 5 nice JPs in a row \o/ and Koda did nice too, I'm proud of him! not much separation on rear legs but he was still accelerating, I need to find better set up, maybe coming from a tunnel so he'll have a faster approach... lets see how it goes  =D

sexta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2013

under the heaven

 Today was a really inspiring day! in the morning I was seen my youtube and found a video that changed my day, more than that, it changed my mind!

 thanks Susan for your amazing words, and for sharing your knowledge!

 Then, me, my sister and the dogs went hiking =) finally the winter is over! so it was so much fun!

 When we got home I thought about training running contacts with the boys, but the truth is that I was a bit disappointed with RC, they seem so impossible, and far... and last training was terrible, with not a single hit! But I remembered Susan's video, and with it in mind I went to one more training section, with no expectations! I just wanted to have fun with them, doing what we like and simply because we love it! if it take forever for us to have those running contacts, it doesn't matter! what matters is that we'll have fun in every section, from today on! because if it doesn't happen, why am I doing this?

and today, with no expectations we had an amazing training full of jackpots!

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven"

we are not in a hurry, because there's nowhere we want to be, we love the present!