domingo, 13 de outubro de 2013

It's been a while!

We haven't done much...

The days are flying! and all the time I can find we use to train the boy's running contacts... no progress on them as well! we went all the way back to the floor with Koda, and High is going quite well! nothing to complain, we'll get there sooner or later.

Normal trainings are rare those days, but a strong foundation is fundamental, so we are taking this opportunity to work on that. I'll post the videos of our last training. Koda did really well, no more problems with tunnels, nor jumps. I'm also finishing his slalom  \o/ no videos though...
I'm really amazed with High's turns! all the bars were my fault, I was late! if I had done the front cross, like I did with Koda, the bars wouldn't have fallen, but I wanted to try this move... anyways, both of them did great, and I'm really proud!

Also, my pups are on Kjara's new video! it was awesome to be part of this video, both of them did fantastic! check it out =)

They are learning some new tricks! just some fun stuff to play around!

That's it! (=
Hope to come here sooner next time haha