First we've had some agility competitions and the boys did fantastic! Koda is amazing me more and more, he is turning out to be such a confident and independent little boy. Now he is also showing the bad side of this, which is that he is not all the time next to me, when I'm not doing something he used to lay on my lap and sleep, now he is all exited about exploring haha. It doesn't have bad effects on our trainings tough, because he is so focused and really going to the obstacles forward instead of staying next to me kind of confused, and he is doing all the tricks with his new confidence and trusting me more and more.
High is also growing, we are coming along as a team and understanding what both want much better. It is amazing to run my giant boy, he has such a sweet soul and it visible in his eyes the joy and passion, although it is way easier to see when he is not barking so much, it happens when I run and give the proper command on time, yeah I can do it also on competitions!! found out that this last weekend, we were so connected, it was special. Not so good times but I'm not worried about that yet, we were close to our first exam to A2. It feels good... But it will come soon, we are connecting, and our time will come. We also had a super chaotic run, the last one of the weekend, and it was crazy! a loot of barks, yes he likes to complain with me, show me what I'm doing wrong.
Koda shined on our latest competition, setting best times all the time. My crazy pup <3
Koda, Duda, Shannon and High |
Now we will have 3 months of no agility competitions, and I will put my heart and soul into running contacts. At first I just wanted because it does make me smile every time I see it, and I would love to do it with my boys, but after more than a year trying unsuccessfully I must say that it's now a matter of stubbornness, if that word exists. So many people came to me telling me to give up, but I don't do it, and I won't do it, I'm not a quitter. High's RC were almost done, but for some unknown reason now he refuses to touch the contact, so we went all the way back. Koda is much more complicated, think we will enroll on the next online class, see if we can find a solution. We are working!
High's RC before they collapse...
I have some other news that are not about my black boys, but are about a really special little dog that stole my heart pretty quickly. Ellie. And I found myself to be really good with shelties, not only koda, but the others as well. So I'll start from a place where you can understand how special she is...
Ellie is a stubborn sheltie, fearful and full of personality at the same time. She is sweet and her favorite place in earth is at my lap where she feels like she's the queen of the world and can bark with all the other dogs. I've known her for some time now, but I did't use to interact with her that much, until my boyfriend started training her. She was doing fine, but shelties are difficult and she never really liked it, so I started walking with her, and spoiling her, teaching some tricks, and we got along so well. Before I could notice she was my shadow... We are progressing as she wants, but it's stupid how happy I get every time I train her! she knows cik/cap and tunnels, we've done some short sequences, she's amazing. My eyes sparkle when she jumps and barks to get in the ring.
I used to only play with her in the agility field, throw the ball and let her run after it with koda, or run and let them chase me. Koda is such a good model! I say Ellie is becoming my mini Koda, that's perfect, I already love her! She also gives me some challenges and that's perfect. She used to run out of the ring and no one could ever train her because she didn't let people get her, nor follow hands. I worked on that first, she will gladly follow hands now, and first trick she learned was to jump on my lap so every time she would run out of the ring I set down and she would come running and do her trick, lovely lovely girly!

I think next posts will come sooner this time! see u ˆ.ˆ