sábado, 3 de agosto de 2013

There's nothing like time

  People say that time is the best medicine, it's true. Time brings confidence, take away fears and build trust! today my baby sheltie is 16 months old and only getting better and better with time and patience.

  He used to be afraid of jumping, and today I raised his jump quite a lot and he was just perfect! I'm training the hand stand trick for some months now, because every time I tried to move to another step he would stop giving the behavior I wanted, I know learning is not linear, but he wasn't progressing at all! and now he's progressing every day and we are almost done =D and ahh the tunnels, he's getting better with them too! he's really less apprehensive and it's a relief.

   High also had some problems, he used to get frustrated and bite me, during our trainings, and he never cared about my body movements, he would bump on me if I was on his way... both this problems were solved with patience and persistence, but it all came with time.

   So yeah, we should not be afraid of time, it brings new adventures, a whole new bunch of bravery and when it arrives it leaves great stories behind! and never ever give up when you face with problems that apparently have no solution, time will make it all better.

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